Via Sottorive 1, 31044
Tel. e Fax: +39 0423 639920
P.IVA: IT03279980266
Coltivazione rose in vivaio specializzato.
Azienda agricola con vivaio rose per esterni.
Cityflor® roses are the result of a long research and of a delicate process; objective was to obtain roses with unique characteristics, suitabe to satisfy the different needs in devellopments of modern green, to meet the needs of urban design, open spaces, lawns, environmental restoration and any other landscape use.
The main features of this variety are the big flowers filled with great-looking romantic and wavy petals, and the very intense perfume they release. This range includes: noble roses, shrub roses, climbing roses and flower bed roses.
The Flower Rain collection is the range of grafted rose bushes, which include : Big Flowers, Floribunda, climbers.
Perpetual roses that can grow to reach 200 to 300 cm and more; they are beautiful and perfectly suitable for pergolas and walls of houses.
This is a relatively new variety of roses which appeared on the market in the Seventies. They originate from crossings between antique roses and modern roses like Hybrid Teas and Floribunda; their extraordinary charm comes from the quality that they have inherited from both these roses.